Business presentations
Business presentations, educational presentations, presentations for press conferences etc.
For many business opportunities, personal presentation is the best, if not the only possible, form of communication. We offer help with creating presentations that will maximize your chances of success in precious moments of having your business partner’s full attention.
When creating a presentation, one important aspect is its purpose: will you use it during personal presentation, or do you want it to be a self-explanatory presentation people will go through in a calm atmosphere of their office? Each type leads to a different solution.
Personal presentation
A presentation for journalists at a press conference, a speech on a professional forum, an important presentation for your key customer? The audience is prepared to listen and you need to exploit their attention to communicate important messages.
Supporting personal presentations is a peculiar discipline… You are in front of your audience, need to keep its attention, and at the same time want to fill them in with lots of information. Yet, the audience can remember only small bit. Will that be the right piece?
Preciosa Crystal Components presents its offer to designers of Fossil in Dallas, TX.
Preciosa requested a presentation that would introduce them to designers and marketers of an important customer: “We will be one of hundreds of suppliers so we need to catch their attention and handle our presentation differently from simple listing the bullet points.”

We took the compulsory content and created a story; the idea was to make the presentation a simple but distinctive background for the speaker. To keep audience’s attention, we also included several quiz questions related to Preciosa and glass industry curiosities. A bottle of original Czech wine with Vinolok cap made a prize. Are you curious whether it worked?
Preciosa’s Marketing Communication Manager: “The presentation in Fossil was a huge success. People took actively part in the mini-quizzes, they enjoyed it and even after the presentation they congratulated the speakers in the lobby. Thanks a lot for your patience and creativity.”
Another example:
CEO of First Club Insurance Company Marek Orawski presents the principle of his company at a press conference on the launch of full operation.
You present the principles to potencial customers one way and to economic journalists in a different way.

At the press conference, the specific peer-to-peer business model of the First Club Insurance Company was presented for the first time. The way journalists later wrote about the company depended on their understanding of the model and confidence in its sustainability.
“We worked on the presentation hard together. It was worth the effort because journalists understood the model and responded positively. The result of almost positive-only articles was to a great extent thanks to the presentation,” says Marek Orawski, CEO, the founder of the company and the author of the business model.
Self-explanatory presentations
Company or product presentations for individual or commented viewing and reading. Interactive, easily updateable and adjustable to a particular business case.