Selling arguments, business messaging
the art to engage and persuade
Attention is the key first step to the success of your brand. In a matter of seconds, you need to engage and explain why your customers should put you ahead of your competition. In doing so, a sequence or set of well elaborated messages / selling arguments (brand messaging) plays a crucial role.
Good brand messaging defines the company on the market, answers the needs and questions of the customer, presents the reasons why she should choose you. And most importantly, it motivates customers to take action.
The case of B2B company in the luminaires industry: Nanoptiqs
Developers of innovative nano-optics needed to inform their customers – luminaire manufacturers – why their product is worth their attention. The sequence of messages starts with product qualities, followed by presentation of benefits and advantages in manufacturing.

Presentation of key features of the Nanoptiqs solution: A combination of miniature dimensions and precision of light management. (The brand used this visual in the following years on its web, printed materials, presentations, etc.).

Nanoptiqs replaces complex elements (reflector and lens).

The case of a B2C cosmetics manufacturer: Nobilis Tilia
For customers who come into contact with the brand for the first time, the manufacturer wanted to briefly present advantages of its cosmetics and get them in the relaxed mood. The sequence of the messages is based on the company's values, which are reflected in the quality of its products.

The case of a NGO: The project 'Trips outside of the Town' by the Diakonia of the Evangelical Brethren Church
There is no greater challenge than to persuade visitors of the website to financially support certain, albeit godly, activities. The 'Trips outside of the Town' project helps people with disabilities to raise funds for assistants, who are necessary companions for these people if they want to make a trip beyond their everyday routines.

Tagline, communication style, tone...
Selling arguments mainly appeal to our brains, but for successful communication you also need to touch human hearts. The emotional bond with your customers is established through a set of messages and communication rules that strengthen the "image" of the brand.
These can be, for example, taglines (emotions evoking short message that expresses company values, which is used together with the company name or logo), rules of communication style and brand tone (that reflect the competition) or brand stories, which should be the basis of your communication with customers and employees.