creation of a brand or product name
Good name is the most valuable asset of the brand. It is a tool that helps differentiate from the competition and gain faster acceptance by the customers.
Who/what was named by AnFas
We had the honor to assist in creating the names of the many companies or products, among others:

Sometimes we are not creating just one name, but a comprehensive, systemic naming solution. For example, when working on a naming concept for future office buildings in the Nová Zbrojovka complex in Brno.

A different case is creating an umbrella name for projects that originally developed independently. For example, the CPI Property Group needed an umbrella name for three adjacent buildings that would correspond to the already existing designation.

The right name is worked up, not guessed
The company / product name should serve throughout the existence of the brand. Its development therefore requires more effort and more activities than just the creative work itself. The situation is complicated by the fact that almost all simple and short names are already used. The process requires more creative stages, and each must include verification of the legal feasibility of the ideas.