Logo & Corporate Identity
Emotional component of your communication
Logo & Visual Style
We managed hundreds of projects for companies, events or products. Big, or small. Established or starting up. They have in common our effort to evoke the right emotion in relation to the company / product, and our emphasis on the functionality in the context where the logo or identity is most often applied. Here is a selection of some works.
The logo is a main component of the visual style. We put a special emphasis on the word component. It is because the visual style should not be reduced only to the logo. The logo rarely stands alone. It always appears in a particular context (a document, a presentation etc.). Thus, it is necessary to prepare design for all application the logo will be used in.
We are used to considering the complexity of issues so that your visual identity is not only nice but also functional and easily applicable.

Visual style guidelines
Logo guidelines
The basic type of guidelines that describes the rules and definitions for consistent logo usage.

Guidelines for vital visual identity
Visual identity should adjust to the needs of corporate communication. This is the reason why we consider the guidelines rather as a live, constantly updated library of solutions for documents which are frequently usedin your marketing and are particularly important to you.
For every situation, our guidelines offer a combination of instructions, visual example and downloadable basic elements.

We work with Identity Online, an application that helps you easily maintain, update and consistently share your visual identity.
Templates for office applications
Templates of the most frequently used documents help you introduce and maintain visual identity within your company, and easily create smart-looking documents right in your office.

Preview of templates for common documents creation of First Club Insurance Company.
We create templates for Microsoft Office and Google Docs.